Online registration begins the beginning of December. Make sure to follow us on Facebook for announcements regarding the start of sign ups.
What age can my player sign up?
Our league begins with current 3rd graders. 3rd and 4th grade play together as one branch of the League, and 5th and 6th grade play together for the other branch.
When is registration due?
Registration will be open from December 1st through the 2nd week of January. Specific dates can be found under the "Sign-ups and Coaching Information" tab of our website.
I missed Registration, and now the link is closed.
Reach out to us on Messenger or email, and we will see what we can do! Depending on how many players have already signed up and how many coaches we have, we may be able to accept late forms and payments. However, we may not be able to accept your registration if the town that you play with does not have any more room on the teams.
When does the season run?
Our season runs from mid-February to mid-May. Dates for each season vary slightly depending on how ,many teams we have, which determines how many weekends of regular games we schedule before tournaments.
When and Where are practices and games held?
Practice days and times are determined by your coach at the Coaches meeting the weekend after the sign up deadline. Practices will be held in a gym from the school district that your players is playing with. So, Decatur teams practice in a Decatur school's gym, Paradise practices in a Paradise school's gym- etc. All games are played on Saturdays in the McCarol middle School gym and the Multi-purpose gym in Decatur. More info on the location of these gyms can be find under our Game Information and Schedules tab.
My player is returning from last season. Will we have the coach coach/ Can we request a coach?
Players that are returning from the previous season will automatically return to the same team/coach unless you designate on your form that you would like to be drafted for a new team. Players cannot request to be placed on a team, or with a coach, that they have not previously played with last season. All new players, or players wishing NOT to return to a previous team will enter into our blind draft that occurs at the Coaches meeting at the beginning of the season.
When will we know what team we are on?
Teams are determined and practice times are scheduled at our Coaches meeting that takes place the week after sign ups are due. Your coach should reach out to you within 2-3 weekdays after our meeting. If you have not heard from a coach within a week of our meeting, reach out to us on Messenger or email.
My player needs to Buddy for rideshare reasons.
Players are allowed to use our Buddy system for rideshare purposes, however, BOTH players must be new to the league, OR the player that is returning an choose to enter the blind draft with their buddy. We cannot place a buddy with a player that is returning to an existing team.Players must have requested each other on each form, and can only request 1 player. Multiple buddies are not allowed.
When will we have schedules?
We begin work on regular season schedules the Monday following our Coaches meeting. It can take up to 2 weeks for schedules to be completed, depending on how many teams we have for that season. We understand that it can be difficult to wait so long for schedules, but we appreciate your patience. As soon as they are complete, they are immediately sent out to coach for them to disseminate to parents and players, and an announcement will also be made on our website and Facebook page. Questions on schedules can be sent to your coach.
My player's team shirt does not fit/I ordered the wrong size/it has been lost. Can it be replaced?
Shirts that are ordered in the the incorrect size and shirts that have been lost can be replaced, however you are responsible for the cost of the replacement. Your coach can get in touch with us for any orders that need to be made for replacement shirts.
Does everyone go to tournaments?
Yes! All teams participate in the end-of-season tournaments, regardless or win-loss record. Our tournament bracket is double elimination. However, teams are seeded in the tournament bracket according to standings from the regular season.
Do we have to participate in the fundraiser?
Yes, unless you have chosen to Opt-out and have sent the required additional fee with your sign up fee. All players who have not opted-out at the time of registration will be responsible for selling at least 60 bars (1 case) of World's Finest Chocolate. Chocolate bars cannot be returned to any coach or WCYV Staff member.
What if my players wants to sell more than the required amount of chocolate?
More power to you! We hold a contest each season for the top 3 sellers in each age group (3rd/4th and 5th/6th). Additional chocolate can only be picked up from your coach or team representative, and must be signed for upon receipt. The player is responsible to the sale of any additional chocolate bars. Candy cannot be returned to any coach of WCYV staff member.
We are experiencing an issue with our Coach or other WCYV staff member.
Please send us a feedback form that can be found on our homepage, and under "Contact us" at the bottom of this page. Give us the details, and we call you within 24 hours to discuss the issue.
Does the League facilitate team photos?
This answer various from season to season depending on quotes and scheduling with local sports photographers. However, we will always give the opportunity for team and players photos, whether it is with a professional sports photographer or a Bring-Your-Own-Device and backdrop set-up.
Does WCYV run a Fall/Summer league?
Unfortunately, we do not have the facilities to run a season in the Fall or Summer. We rely on the schools to rent gym space to us, and there are no schools in the the Wise County area that allow us to rent in the Fall because of School Volleyball, and most do not allow us access in the summer due to maintenance. We do, however, usually have a summer skills camp and clinic- depending on if we are able to procure facilities. See our Summer Activities tab for more info.
My child has decided not to play. Can I get a refund?
If the refund request has been made before the funds have been deposited, or before the season has begun, a full refund can be issued. Once the season has begun, refunds are prorated depending on the amount of games that have already been played and if uniforms have already been purchased. Refunds are not offered after the weekend beginning Spring Break.
Didn't find an answer to your question?
Give us a call, text, email, or Facebook message. Contact information can be found on our Contact Us page linked below.